U.S. CPSC Approves Final Rule to Implement eFiling for COC

Publish Date:2024-12-28    View: 397    Origin: admin
According to the news released on the CPSC official website on December 18, 2024, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has approved a Final Rule to implement electronic filing (eFiling) of Certificate information for regulated, imported consumer products and to revise requirements for Certificates of Compliance. The Commission vote was 3-0-2, with all five Commissioners voting to approve the rule; and a majority voting to approve the rule with an amendment extending the general implementation date from 12 months to 18 months. 
Under the new rule, requirements impacting most imported consumer products and those produced domestically will take effect 18 months from publication in the Federal Register. A 24-month effective date will apply to consumer products imported into a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) and subsequently entered for consumption or warehousing. 
CPSC’s new eFiling program will apply to all imported consumer products subject to a mandatory safety standard, as set forth in the rule, including de minimis shipments. The program will require importers of regulated products that require certification to electronically file data elements at the time of filing an entry including: 
Identification of the finished product; 
Party certifying compliance; 
Each consumer product safety rule to which the finished product has been certified; 
Date and place the finished product was manufactured; 
When and where the finished product was most recently tested for compliance; and 
Contact information for the person maintaining test records. 
By using this information, CPSC will drive greater efficiencies in product inspections and more effectively target high-risk products being imported into the United States. eFiling will also reduce inspection frequency and hold times for compliant product importers – rewarding firms with a record of compliance and enabling their imports to move more quickly.